Our company has the status of a customs carrier

Our company has the status of a customs carrier. This important step demonstrates the high level of reliability and professionalism of the company, as well as opens up new opportunities for it to expand and improve logistics services.

The status of a customs carrier provides “CronaTrans” with a number of significant advantages:

  1. Reduction of time for customs clearance. Thanks to simplified customs clearance procedures, the company will be able to significantly reduce the time required to complete customs formalities. This will speed up the cargo delivery process and increase customer satisfaction.
  2. Minimization of customs checks. “CronaTrans” will be subject to fewer checks and inspections by customs authorities. This will avoid delays and additional costs associated with inspections.
  3. Priority maintenance. Customs carriers are serviced on a priority basis, which will ensure a more expeditious passage of customs procedures and improve the overall efficiency of logistics operations.
  4. Simplification of document management. The use of simplified document management and electronic forms of documents will reduce administrative costs and simplify interaction with customs authorities.
  5. Expansion of the geography of activities. The new status will allow “CronaTrans” to expand the geography of its activities, providing customers with a wider range of international transportation.
  6. Cost reduction. By simplifying procedures and reducing the time for customs clearance, the company will be able to reduce transportation and logistics costs, which will affect the cost of services for customers.

Having the status of a customs carrier is an important achievement for our company. We are proud to be able to offer our customers even better and faster services. This status opens up new horizons for us and allows us to improve all aspects of our work.

“CronaTrans” continues to develop and strive for the highest standards in the field of logistics, providing its customers with reliable and efficient solutions for international transportation.